Best Five is now listing select businesses under various topics such as 'Best *Service* in *City*.
We are only listing businesses which meet our strict selection process.
Below you'll find out how we determine if a business is one of the best. We follow a 29 step process for each business before listing them on the website.
And remember, these are our top selections and aren't the opinions of a survey or purely customer feedback. We would ask you to still do your due diligence checks like you would with any other business, and use our guide as a resource to help you.
- Is the business established online and offiline?
- Do they have their ABN or ACN easily visible?
- Does the business have a good website?
- Are they operating on an https certificate domain?
- Is the website using their own domain name?
- Is there a contact number that someone answered?
- Are the opening hours clearly identified?
- Is there an address listed online and on Google maps?
- Is their a contact email address or contact form?
- Do they have authentic business images or fake ones?
- Are there good customer reviews online?
- How many negative reviews are there?
- Do businesses respond to negative reviews or leave them?
- Do they have a Youtube, Facebook or Vimeo page?
- Do they have other social media presence?
- Are there any positive or negative comments?
- Have they been featured in magazines, journals?
- Have they won any awards?
- Are they on Tripadvisor, Yellowpages, Yelp etc?
- Do their services match the criteria we're looking for?
- Are their prices reasonable for consumers?
- Are they responsive to contact form requests/leads
- Where they can't help, do they offer a recommendation?
- Do they offer discounts or special offers?
- What complaints are out there?
- Have they been reported to ACCC as a public case?
- Are their fake reviews out there?
- Do they have any outstanding legal issues?
- Anything else that's relevant in our decision?